Public Health Priority 1
A Scotland where we live in vibrant, healthy, and safe places and communities.
NHSH Stay Well
- Promote Social Prescribing as a pathway to overall health and wellbeing (Work plan 1.1)
NHSH Anchor Well / Value Well
- Build capacity and community resilience and tackle health inequalities using a place-based approach and provide support for newly emerging District Partnerships as appropriate (Work plan 1.2)
NHSH Nurture Well
- Support staff physical and mental health and wellbeing (Work plan 1.3)

Public Health Priority 2
A Scotland where we flourish in our early years:
NHSH Start Well
- Increased knowledge and confidence to support women to breastfeed (Work plan 2.1)
- Child Healthy Weight (Work plan 2.2)
- Maternal and infant feeding (Work plan 2.3)
NHSH Anchor Well
- Support the Integrated Children’s Service plan in partnership with Highland Council and other partner organisations. (Work plan 2.4)

Public Health Priority 3
A Scotland where we have good mental wellbeing.
NHSH Anchor Well / Live Well
- Reduced rates of suicide (Work plan 3.1)
- Improve Mental Health and wellbeing in the population (Work plan 3.2)

Public Health Priority 4
A Scotland where we reduce the use of and harm from alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
NHSH Stay Well
- Reduce harm from substance use (Work plan 4.1)
- Reduced smoking rates (Work plan 4.2)

Public Health Priority 5
A Scotland where we have a sustainable, inclusive economy with equality of outcomes for all.
NHSH Anchor Well / Nurture Well
- Work with identified groups at risk including those with protected characteristics and those who live in poverty (Work plan 5.1)
- Reduction in violence against women and its harmful impact (Work plan 5.2)

Public Health Priority 6
A Scotland where we eat well, have a healthy weight and are physically active.
NHSH Stay Well
- Improve access and quality of food available for people in Highland (Work plan 6.1)
- More people are active and can access nature and green space (Work plan 6.2)
- Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Adult Healthy Weight (Work plan 6.3)

Highland Priority 7
A Highland where we respond to locally identified health improvement priorities.
NHSH Stay Well / Anchor Well
- Reduction in inequalities in screening participation (Work plan 7.1)
- Sexual Health (Work plan 7.2)
- Women’s Health Plan (Work plan 7.3)

Highland Priority 8
Services that support the delivery of identified priorities.
- Health Information and Resources (Work plan 8.1)
- Graphics support (Work plan 8.2)
- Training and capacity building (Work plan 8.3)
- Supporting Health Service Redesign (Work plan 8.4)

Work plans
Work plan 1.1
Promote Social Prescribing as a pathway to overall health and wellbeing
Work plan 1.2
Build capacity and community resilience and tackle health inequalities using a place-based approach and provide support for newly emerging District Partnerships as appropriate
Work plan 1.3
Support staff physical and mental health and wellbeing
Work plan 2.1
Increase in numbers of women in Highland choosing to breastfeed
Work plan 2.2
Child healthy weight
Work plan 2.3
Maternal and Infant Feeding
Work plan 2.4
Support the Integrated Children’s Service plan in partnership with Highland Council and other partner organisations
Work plan 3.1
Reduce rates of suicide
Work plan 3.2
Improve Mental health and wellbeing in the population
Work plan 4.1
Reduce harm from substance use
Work plan 4.2
Reduce smoking rates
Work plan 5.1
Work with identified groups at risk including those with protected characteristics and those who live in poverty
Work plan 5.2
Reduction in violence against women and its harmful impact
Work plan 6.1
Improve access and quality of food available for people in Highland
Work plan 6.2
More people are active and can access nature and green space
Work plan 6.3
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Adult Healthy Weight
Work plan 7.1
Reduction in inequalities in screening participation
Work plan 7.2
Sexual Health
Work plan 7.3
Women’s Health Plan
Work plan 8.1
Health Information and Resources
Work plan 8.2
Graphics support
Work plan 8.3
Training and capacity building
Work plan 8.4
Supporting Health Service Redesign