Work plan 6.3
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Adult Healthy Weight
Promote and strengthen a trauma informed and weight inclusive approach to prevention and early intervention for Type 2 Diabetes, and support adult health and weight.
Delivery Team
- Dan Jenkins
- Fiona MacLeod
- Lead strategic and delivery response to Scottish Government Type 2 Diabetes and Adult Healthy Weight Framework.
- Commission Community Dietetics and Community Food and Health Service to deliver Tier 1, 2 and 3 interventions through weight inclusive approaches.
- Refresh and promote position statement and easy-access guidance for wider NHSH staff around weight inclusive approaches.
- Externally to Scottish Government through annually submitted Implementation Plan, mid-year report and annual report.
- Internally through Type 2 Diabetes Development Group.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Numbers of Tier 1, 2 and 3 interventions reported through core dataset.
Support the ongoing maintenance and updating of resources ref Diabetes 2 information.
Delivery Team
- Dan Jenkins (Lead)
- Fiona MacLeod
- Ensure that relevant resources to support people with Type 2 Diabetes are updated and current.
- Type 2 Diabetes Development Group.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Resources are up to date and usage evidenced.
Healthy Weight in Pregnancy.
Delivery Team
- Dan Jenkins (Lead)
- Heather Mackay
- Deliver training and other activities to increase knowledge, skills and confidence in the midwifery workforce enabling informed conversations around eating for good health in pregnancy.
- Implement a range of activities to increase awareness of the Healthy Weight in Pregnancy Guidance.
- Collaborate with maternity and dietetic service to establish pathways for people with raised BMI.
- Maternal and Infant Nutrition Framework Implementation Group.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Staff numbers engaging in training.
- Numbers of high / low / within-range BMIs.
- Referrals to Community Dietetics service.
Work to reduce incidence and impact of gestational diabetes.
Delivery Team
- Dan Jenkins (Lead)
- Heather Mackay
- Fiona MacLeod
- Collaborate with maternity services (IT Midwives) to improve accuracy of data collection and reporting.
- Develop systems to alert Primary Care of GDM cases to ensure onward monitoring and post-partum care.
- Support Primary Care and other pathways to promote Live it Highland for GDM programme.
- Support Healthy Weight in Pregnancy.
- Externally to Scottish Government through annually submitted Implementation Plan, mid-year report and annual report.
- Internally through Type 2 Diabetes Development Group.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Numbers of GDM cases.
- Numbers attending Live It GDM sessions.