Work plan 5.1
Work with identified groups at risk including those with protected characteristics and those who live in poverty
Develop an understanding of and address the local health needs of gypsy traveller communities, including barriers to services.
Delivery Team
- Claire Derwin (Lead)
- Naomi Watson
- Share findings and understanding of good practice approaches, from local health needs assessment, with NHS Services.
- Promote engagement and consultation with G/T on NHS Services and Community Planning Partnership plans.
- Promote and monitor uptake of TURAS G/T Cultural awareness course amongst frontline staff.
- Actively encourage community to register with a GP to generate a CHI number ensuring better care and treatment.
- Promote the use of EQIA which includes impacts on G/T in new projects.
- Work with MECOPP to promote the Community Health Matters Service to G/T in Highland Traveller Communities through National Hubs.
- Develop a Quality Improvement action plan with Primary Care GP cluster.
- Support “Progress In Dialogue” team to deliver project on Mental health/Trauma.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
Promote availability of, and access to, financial advice to support income maximisation and cost of living.
Delivery Team
- Lynda Thomson
- Sandra MacAllister
- Promote and signposting to welfare support agency or relevant income maximisation service and/or energy support.
- Delivery of money counts training modules
- Promote Money counts courses with Children and Family service staff.
- Promotion of the WAM app.
- Population Health Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Increase in staff awareness of income maximisation services and increased signposting and referral to financial support.
- Number of money counts courses.
- Number of hits on the WAM app.
Work in partnership to impact on reducing poverty and health inequalities.
Delivery Team
- Sandra MacAllister
- Lynda Thomson
- Identify and work alongside relevant partnerships including HPAN; Reducing poverty group; Child Poverty Action Groups.
- Develop work which helps to reduce poverty and poverty stigma and takes a more co-ordinated approach to tackling poverty as one of the root causes of health inequalities.
- Delivery of Health Inequalities training courses.
- Actions identified within the Child Poverty Action Plan will report to the Integrated Childrens Plan.
- Other aspects of delivery reports to the HCPP thematic group Reducing Poverty.
- No specific governance route within NHS Highland.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Actions identified within the child poverty plan will have identified performance measures against the actions to be delivered.
- Numbers of courses run and attendees – health inequalities training.
Support the development and delivery of NHS Highland’s Anchor Strategy and Action Plan.
Delivery Team
- Lynda Thomson (Lead)
- Sandra MacAllister
- Support for the development of the Anchor Strategy.
- Attend update meetings and contribute to on going development.
- Support the work of the Employability Group.
- Support for the Community Benefit Portal.
- Population Health Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- A set of identified metrics have been developed as part of the Anchor strategy.
Support the development and delivery of NHS Highlands EDI Strategy with the overall aim of creating a more inclusive and diverse environment for our workforce, patients and our population.
Delivery Team
- Susan Birse (Lead)
- Oliver Wain
- Naomi Watson
- Participate and contribute to NHS Highlands EDI Oversight Group.
- Contribute and support the EDI Project Charter.
- Population Health Programme Board.
- People and Culture Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
Promote the use of Equality Impact Assessment and the requirement within the Equality Act.
Delivery Team
- Oliver Wain (Lead)
- Naomi Watson
- Support HSCP Managers to feel informed to conduct EQIAs for their service.
- Development of training and guidance to complete an EQIA.
- Deliver equality and diversity training.
- Develop and support a Staff Equality Network.
- Population Health Programme Board.
- People and Culture Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Numbers of completed EQIAs.
- Amendments to services or policies as a result of conducting an EQIA.
Development of and continued support of NHS Highland’s British Sign Language Plan.
Delivery Team
- Susan Birse (Lead)
- Naomi Watson
- Oliver Wain
- Support HSCP Managers to feel informed to conduct EQIAs for their service.
- Development of training and guidance to complete an EQIA.
- Deliver equality and diversity training.
- Develop and support a Staff Equality Network.
- Population Health Programme Board.
- People and Culture Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
Create an inclusive workplace where all colleagues (and service users) can expect to be treated with compassion, dignity and respect.
Delivery Team
- Susan Birse (Lead)
- Oliver Wain
- Naomi Watson
- Co-ordinate/Support and input to the NHSH Equality outcomes and mainstreaming report.
- Population Health Programme Board.
- People and Culture Programme Board.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
Monitor and support the delivery of Independent Advocacy services to meet the requirements under the Mental Health Care and Treatment Act and Carers Act.
Delivery Team
- Lynda Thomson (Lead)
- Naomi Watson
- Support quarterly monitoring meetings of service providers including Partners In Advocacy; Advocacy Highland and SPIRIT.
- Work alongside contracts to prepare for a competitive tendering exercise in 2026.
- The development of a Highland Advocacy Plan prior to a competitive tendering exercise.
- No specified governance route.
Performance Measures/Outcomes
- Quarterly monitoring meetings held against performance of the different contracts.
- Information provides several different measures for delivery of the services.