Tag: alcohol
Global Alcohol Policy Conference, March 2020, Dublin Castle
When abstracts applications opened for the 6th Global Alcohol Policy Conference (GAPC) I was encouraged by the Highland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (HADP) co-ordinator, Debbie Stewart, to apply to showcase the Discussing Drugs and Alcohol with Young People (DDAYP) training course work. Much to my surprise, I was accepted to display a poster presentation at the…
FASD Awareness Day – 9th September 2019
If you’re wondering ‘what is FASD?’ you’re not alone. Recently, we asked 36 mums and dads to be ‘What you do you know about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)?’. Here’s how they responded: As you can see, the most common response was that people hadn’t heard of it. So let’s start at the beginning. What…