On Friday 15th June, we travelled down to Caird Hall in Dundee to attend the Rock Challenge Scottish Final. It was an amazing event, attended by 671 young people and 1,317 live audience members. In fifth place, with their theme ‘Rapture’ was Invergordon Academy, in fourth place with the theme ‘The Wendigo’ was Thurso High School, in third place with their theme ‘One Six Seven Remembered’ was Alness Academy and coming in second place with their theme ‘Holi’ was Dingwall Academy.
The whole evening was fantastic, full of excitement, energy and passion. The Highland schools were all amazing and we are lucky to have so many talented, committed and inspirational young people, teachers and supporters who year by year, put their heart and soul into their performances.
The camaraderie between the schools was evident as they cheered and supported each other before, during and after this event. Well done to all Highland schools for another outstanding year in the history of Rock Challenge.
Details of Rock Challenge
Rock Challenge is an educational and aspirational performing arts competition for students. It communicates health and social education messages to teenagers in a positive and supportive environment where they can achieve a ‘natural high’ by being the best they can be without the use of tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.
A school’s entry into Rock Challenge is an original piece of work involving dance, design and drama which reflects the personalities, concerns, hopes, dreams and interests of those who create it. Each school forms a team which decides o¬n a theme, selects the medley of soundtracks and designs the choreography, sets and costumes. Themes can range from the real to the surreal but must be original.
J Rock is the junior version of the event for primary and junior schools catering for young people between the ages of 7 and 11 years of age.
In 2018, Scotland hosted seven heats; attended by 28 Rock Challenge schools with the top nine qualifying for the Scottish Final in Dundee. These Rock Challenge events hosted 1,978 young people from across Scotland. We also saw 1,732 young people from 32 J Rock schools from Scotland in 2018.