NHS Highland Public Health Blog Item

North of Scotland Patient Flow Maps between Health Board Areas

Following a collaboration with our colleagues from Health Boards across the North of Scotland, Martin Malcolm, Head of Public Health Intelligence for NHS Western Isles, has produced a series of maps on patient flow to support regional development planning.

The information within each map shows the movement of patients both in and out of their Health Board of residence to other Health Board areas for treatment. The maps depict movement of patients for acute in-patient, acute outpatient, oncology, knee and hip replacements and the ten most common procedures across all specialities.

Data is available for all residents in Highland, Tayside, Grampian, Western Isles, Shetland and Orkney health board areas treated in any Scottish hospital.  Data has been sourced from each of Northern Health Boards SMR00 (Outpatient) and SMR01 (Inpatient/Day Case) datasets.

The following key is based upon symbols displayed on the flow maps:

Patient Flow key
– Health Board of Residence

– Bidirectional Patient Flows for flows in/out of HB areas and thickness of flow lines represents volumes

– Health Board of Treatment (Size of circle indicates volume of activity)