Tag: training

  • Lassie in Lisbon – Part 3

    Lassie in Lisbon – Part 3

    Week 2 Day 3 – Today’s focus was on harm reduction. The first session was about harm reduction generally, with a focus on opioid use. Then we had two sessions about Drug Consumption Rooms, with experience from Paris and Lisbon, then there were the final student presentations. Alice presented her research: Gender Neutral or Gender…

  • Lassie in Lisbon – Part 2

    Lassie in Lisbon – Part 2

    Continued from Part 1 of the ‘Lassie in Lisbon’ blog post. Day 5 – Today’s lectures covered The Cost of Drug Policy, Drug-related Research in Europe, International Co-operation and the EMCDDA Trendspotter Methodology, and it was welcomed to have some group work in these sessions. Weekend – With no scheduled activities over the weekend we…

  • Lassie in Lisbon – Part 1

    Lassie in Lisbon – Part 1

    Week 1 I arrived in Lisbon in Sunday night to an orange sunset, to attend the two week European Drugs Summer School, Illicit drugs in Europe: demand, supply and public policies. The programme is hosted by the University Institute of Lisbon and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), and this year…

  • Health inequalities and poverty event

    Health inequalities and poverty event

    We were very fortunate in Highland to have Michelle Young, Equally Well Co-ordinator from Dundee city, facilitate an excellent health inequalities and poverty event for a range of staff and partner organisations. There were a number of common themes which arose during discussions including impact assessing our work around health inequalities and poverty sensitive practice,…

  • Developing Confident Conversations.

    Developing Confident Conversations.

    Youth Development Officers and youth work staff from across Highland have been attending ‘Developing Confident Conversations’ training, delivered by Wave and NHS Highland’s Health Promotion team. Before the training it was recognised that although youth workers are a key source of information for many young people, the levels of knowledge and confidence around sexual health…

  • Outcome on latest ‘Health Inequalities, Why bother?’ training course

    Outcome on latest ‘Health Inequalities, Why bother?’ training course

    On Thursday 1st March, the Health Improvement team facilitated another ‘Health Inequalities, Why bother?’ workshop to an engaged and enthusiastic group from a diverse range of services from Learning Disabilities to Highland Befrienders.

  • eModules to support Child Healthy Weight are now available!

    eModules to support Child Healthy Weight are now available!

    Following the completion of Toddler and Young Children: food, mood and health guidance, we have developed two supporting eModules, with a third currently being developed.

  • Emotional Touchpoints Training

    Emotional Touchpoints Training

    The Health Improvement Team are delighted to be delivering training to staff in the North and West operational unit on Emotional Touchpoints. Emotional Touchpoints are a tool that can be used with patients, service users, carers or staff to help us understand the impact that our services have on people, and to ultimately learn from…

  • Supportive pathways workshop

    Supportive pathways workshop

    Today, Thursday 8th February 2018, saw a multi-agency “supportive pathways workshop” hosted by colleagues in Police Scotland. As a group, we looked at root causes of offending, considered what organisations and services are out there to support people with the issues identified, then hardest of all, thought about what we need to do to make…

  • Public Health Training Prospectus

    Public Health Training Prospectus

    Following months of gathering information from team members here at the Directorate, I’m now delighted to announce that the Public Health Training Prospectus is now available to download from the NHS Highland website  (http://bit.ly/2DqHEle) along with a calendar of dates and an application form. This Prospectus brings together the courses that provide NHS and partner…